La Luz del Santo de los Santos es luz pura. La menoráh emite luz del fuego (velas). El altar es fuego puro. De luz a fuego.
The light of the Holy of Holies is pure light. The menorah shines light from fire (candles). The altar is pure fire. From light to life.
martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010
Santo de los Santos
En el Templo Sagrado, la luz infinita de Dios brilla en el Santo de los Santos, Su luz brilla para el mundo desde la menoráh. El fuego está en el altar.
In the Holy Temple, God's infinite light shines in the Holy of Holies, His light to the world shines from the menorah. Fire is on the altar
In the Holy Temple, God's infinite light shines in the Holy of Holies, His light to the world shines from the menorah. Fire is on the altar
En llamas
“Sagrado” significa “en llamas.” “Tierra” es de la misma raíz que rojo. Los sacrificios del Templo son llamados “fuegos.” Todos ellos transforman la luz en fuego.
"Holy" means "on fire," red. "Ground" is from the same root as red. The Temple sacrifices are called "fires." All transform light to life.
"Holy" means "on fire," red. "Ground" is from the same root as red. The Temple sacrifices are called "fires." All transform light to life.
Otra frase en la Torá
Otra frase en la Torá que equivale a 861 (= El Templo Sagrado) es “su tierra sagrada”. dicho a Moshé en la zarza ardiente.
Another phrase in the Torah that equals 861 (= The Holy Temple) is "it is holy ground," said to Moses at the burning bush.
Another phrase in the Torah that equals 861 (= The Holy Temple) is "it is holy ground," said to Moses at the burning bush.
“Hijo de las delicias”
Efraím es el “hijo de las delicias” del pueblo judío. Su primera y ultima letra forman madre (em) como la primera y ultima letras de rojo (adom)
Efraim is the "child of delights" of the Jewish people. His first and final letters spell mother as do the first and final letters of red
Efraim is the "child of delights" of the Jewish people. His first and final letters spell mother as do the first and final letters of red
Placer en hebreo
Placer en hebreo tiene 2 formas, oneg, 123, y ta’anug, 529. 861 = 7 veces 123, oneg. Mas Efraím Menashe = 1587 = 3 veces ta’anug
.Pleasure in Hebrew has 2 forms, oneg, 123, and ta'anug, 529. 861 = 7 times 123, oneg. Plus Efraim Menashe = 1587 = 3 times ta'anug
.Pleasure in Hebrew has 2 forms, oneg, 123, and ta'anug, 529. 861 = 7 times 123, oneg. Plus Efraim Menashe = 1587 = 3 times ta'anug
El Templo Sagrado
Efraím y Menashe fueron bendecido para ser “tantos como peces en medio de la tierra” = 861, el triangulo de 41 (madre) = El Templo Sagrado.
Efraim and Menashe were blessed to be "as many as fish in the midst of the earth" = 861, the triangle of 41 (mother) = The Holy Temple
Efraim and Menashe were blessed to be "as many as fish in the midst of the earth" = 861, the triangle of 41 (mother) = The Holy Temple
Efraím fue el rojo en el azul.
Efraím y Menashe por consiguiente vinieron de Lea por parte materna y de Rajel por parte paterna. Efraím fue el rojo en el azul.
Efraim and Menashe thus came from Leah on their mother's side and from Rachel on their father's side. Efraim was the red in the blue
Efraim and Menashe thus came from Leah on their mother's side and from Rachel on their father's side. Efraim was the red in the blue
El “tzadik viviente”
Lea la azul tuvo más hijos que Rajel la roja, su nivel de energía era más alto, como el azul al rojo. El “tzadik viviente,” Iosef, vino de Rajel.
Blue Leah had many more children than red Rachel, her energy level was higher, as blue to red. The "living tzadik," Joseph, came from Rachel
Blue Leah had many more children than red Rachel, her energy level was higher, as blue to red. The "living tzadik," Joseph, came from Rachel
Efraim y Menashé
Efraím heredó el rojo de su abuela y Menashé el azul de su bisabuela, ambos en el contexto general del azul (pez azul)
Efraim inherited his grandmother's red and Menashe inherited his great-grandmother's blue, both in the general context of blue (bluefish)
Efraim inherited his grandmother's red and Menashe inherited his great-grandmother's blue, both in the general context of blue (bluefish)
Inmunes al mal de ojo
Dina fue la madre de Osnat, esposa de Iosef, y abuela de Efraím y Menashé, quienes fueron bendecido para ser como peces, inmunes al mal de ojo.
Dinah was the mother of Osnat, Joseph's wife, and grandmother of Efraim and Menashe, who were blessed to be as fish, immune to the evil eye
Dinah was the mother of Osnat, Joseph's wife, and grandmother of Efraim and Menashe, who were blessed to be as fish, immune to the evil eye
Dina cuyo nombre permuta : nidáh
Dina (rojo vívo), cuyo nombre permuta para deletrear nidáh (como aparece una vez en la Biblia), la sangre menstrual impura, fue violada por Shejém.
Dinah (vivid red), whose name permutes to spell nidah (as it appears once in the Bible), impure menstrual blood, was raped by Shechem
Dinah (vivid red), whose name permutes to spell nidah (as it appears once in the Bible), impure menstrual blood, was raped by Shechem
Lea, Rajel y Dina
Lea tenía “ojos (azul) suaves”, Rajel tenía “(una hermosa figura y) una bella complexión.” Lea de ojos azules dio a luz a Dina rojo vívido.
Leah had "soft (blue) eyes." Rachel had "(a beautiful figure and) a beautiful complexion." Blue eyed Leah gave birth to vivid red Dinah.
Leah had "soft (blue) eyes." Rachel had "(a beautiful figure and) a beautiful complexion." Blue eyed Leah gave birth to vivid red Dinah.
Dina hija única de Iaakov
A los bebés varones se los viste de azul, a las niñas de rojo (o rosa, el color de la piel.) 69, rojo vívo = Dina, Dina hija única de Iaakov (y Lea).
Baby boys dress in blue, baby girls in red (or pink, the color of the skin). 69, vivid red = Dinah, Jacob's (and Leah's) only daughter..
Baby boys dress in blue, baby girls in red (or pink, the color of the skin). 69, vivid red = Dinah, Jacob's (and Leah's) only daughter..
Padre azul - madre roja
En cábala, el padre es azul y la madre roja. Nueva vida es el resultado de la fecundación de la madre por parte del padre.
In Kabbalah, father is blue and mother is red. New life results from father impregnating mother. Life is conceived and born in red
In Kabbalah, father is blue and mother is red. New life results from father impregnating mother. Life is conceived and born in red
Partir del rojo sagrado
De los tres Patriarcas solamente Itzjak fue ordenado nunca dejar la Tierra de Israel, nunca partir de el rojo sagrado.
Of the three Patriarchs only Isaac was commanded never to leave the Land of Israel, never to part from holy red
Of the three Patriarchs only Isaac was commanded never to leave the Land of Israel, never to part from holy red
Rojo, tierra y hombre
El azul es al rojo como lo espiritual a lo físico, como los cielos a la tierra. El cielo es azul y la tierra roja. Rojo, tierra y hombre comparten una raíz gramatical común.
Blue to red is as spiritual to physical, as heavens to earth. The sky is blue and the earth is red. Red, ground, and man share a common root
Blue to red is as spiritual to physical, as heavens to earth. The sky is blue and the earth is red. Red, ground, and man share a common root
La vida y la luz
69 (el común divisor de luz, piel, longevidad, vida eterna) = rojo vívo (adom jai). La Vida (y la luz) en la tierra comienza con el rojo vívo.
69 (the common divisor of light, skin, long life, eternal life) = vivid red (adom chai). Life (and light) on earth begins with vivid red
69 (the common divisor of light, skin, long life, eternal life) = vivid red (adom chai). Life (and light) on earth begins with vivid red
La resurrección
El azul es longevidad espiritual (muchos de los más grandes sabios no vivieron hasta los 40), el rojo es longevidad física. La resurrección es un fenómeno físico.
Blue is spiritual longevity (some of the greatest sages didn't live to 40), red is physical longevity. Ressurection is a physical phenomenon
Blue is spiritual longevity (some of the greatest sages didn't live to 40), red is physical longevity. Ressurection is a physical phenomenon
La inter-inclusión en acción.
Normalmente la larga línea derecha del árbol de la Vida está asociado con el azul, y la corta línea izquierda con el rojo. La inter-inclusión en acción.
Normally the right, long line of the Tree of Life is associated with blue and the left, short line with red. Inter-inclusion at work.
Normally the right, long line of the Tree of Life is associated with blue and the left, short line with red. Inter-inclusion at work.
Frecuencias y vida
El azul tiene frecuencias cortas, el rojo tiene frecuencias largas. Frecuencias largas – vida larga.
Blue has short wavelengths, red has long wavelengths. Long wavelengths - long life
Blue has short wavelengths, red has long wavelengths. Long wavelengths - long life
De la luz a la vida
Larga vida (345 = Moshé, el punto medio de 689) = "de la luz a la vida," el secreto de la fotosíntesis.
Long life (345 = Moses, the midpoint of 689) = "from light to life," the secret of photosynthesis
Long life (345 = Moses, the midpoint of 689) = "from light to life," the secret of photosynthesis
La Eternidad de Israel
Vida (68, uno menos que 69), larga vida (345 = Moshé = 5 veces 69), vida eterna (276 = 4 veces 69) = 689 = La Eternidad de Israel (Nombre de Dios).
Life (68, one less than 69), long life (345 = Moses = 5 times 69), eternal life (276 = 4 times 69) = 689 = Eternity of Israel (Name of God)
Life (68, one less than 69), long life (345 = Moses = 5 times 69), eternal life (276 = 4 times 69) = 689 = Eternity of Israel (Name of God)
El valor triangular
Itzjak (208) más vida (68) = 276 = vida eterna = el valor triangular de 23 (la suma de todos los enteros del 1 al 23). 23 = el vivo.
Isaac (208) plus life (68) = 276 = eternal life = the triangular value of 23 (the sum of all integers from 1 to 23). 23 = the living one.
Isaac (208) plus life (68) = 276 = eternal life = the triangular value of 23 (the sum of all integers from 1 to 23). 23 = the living one.
Sobre el azul, rojo y verde
Abraham es azul, Itzjak es rojo y Iaakov es verde (o amarillo, la misma palabra en hebreo rabínico). Las plantas convierten el azul en rojo pero se ven verdes.
Abraham is blue, Isaac is red, and Jacob is green (or yellow, the same word in Rabbinic Hebrew). Plants convert blue to red but look green
Abraham is blue, Isaac is red, and Jacob is green (or yellow, the same word in Rabbinic Hebrew). Plants convert blue to red but look green
Los 3 colores primarios
En la ciencia (no en el arte que substituye al amarillo por el verde) los 3 colores primarios son azul, verde y rojo.
In science (not so in art which substitutes yellow for green) the 3 primary colors and blue, green, and red.
In science (not so in art which substitutes yellow for green) the 3 primary colors and blue, green, and red.
Abraham e Itzjak
Abraham comenzó a brillar luz al mundo. Itzjak vivió la vida más larga de un judío en la Torá. Vivió 180 (= 10 veces 18, vida) años.
Abraham began to shine light to the world. Isaac lived the maximal Jewish lifespan in the Torah. He lived 180 (= 10 times 18, life) years.
Abraham began to shine light to the world. Isaac lived the maximal Jewish lifespan in the Torah. He lived 180 (= 10 times 18, life) years.
Como Abraham a Itzjak.
La vida (jaim) es principalmente caliente (jam), rojo (sangre) y fuego. El Azul al rojo es como la luz al fuego, como Abraham a Itzjak.
Life (chaim) is primarily hot (cham), red (blood) and fire. Blue to red is as light to fire, as Abraham to Isaac.
Life (chaim) is primarily hot (cham), red (blood) and fire. Blue to red is as light to fire, as Abraham to Isaac.
Acto de la Carroza,
En Cabalá, la complejidad psicológica se relaciona con el Acto de la Carroza, combinaciones de cuatro cualidades. La fotosíntesis es un proceso de carroza.
In Kabbalah, physiological complexity relates to the Act of the Chariot, combinations of four qualities. Photosynthesis is a chariot process
In Kabbalah, physiological complexity relates to the Act of the Chariot, combinations of four qualities. Photosynthesis is a chariot process
¿Por que la complexión es compleja?
¿Por que la complexión es compleja? Por que significa la combinación de temperamentos (caliente, frío, mojado, seco) y de los humores (rojo, blanco, verde, negro).
Why is complexion complex? Because it means the combination of temperaments (hot, cold, wet, dry) and of humors (red, white, green, black)
Why is complexion complex? Because it means the combination of temperaments (hot, cold, wet, dry) and of humors (red, white, green, black)
Antes del pecado original
Antes del pecado original (y el decreto de muerte), la piel del hombre era radiante. Era fotosintética. La piel como la conocemos es el producto del pecado.
Before the primordial sin (and the decree of death), man's skin was radiant. He was photosynthetic. Skin as we know it is the product of sin
Before the primordial sin (and the decree of death), man's skin was radiant. He was photosynthetic. Skin as we know it is the product of sin
Vida eterna!
El valor promedio de las 3 letras de luz (207) = 69. Si agregamos otro 69 (la diferencia antre alef y ain) da piel (276) = ¡vida eterna!
The average value of the 3 letters of light (207) = 69. Another 69 (the difference between alef and ayin) gives skin (276) = eternal life!
The average value of the 3 letters of light (207) = 69. Another 69 (the difference between alef and ayin) gives skin (276) = eternal life!
Luz y piel
Por lo tanto, azul al rojo es como la luz a la piel. En hebreo, luz y piel suenan similares, así como la alef de luz se cambia en la ain de piel.
Thus, blue to red is as light to skin. In Hebrew, light and skin sound (hear) alike, just that the alef of light becomes the ayin of skin.
Thus, blue to red is as light to skin. In Hebrew, light and skin sound (hear) alike, just that the alef of light becomes the ayin of skin.
(el Mashíaj como planta
La fotosíntesis humana (el Mashíaj como planta) tiene que ver con la complexión de nuestra piel, comenzando en la cara, nuestras mejillas.
Human photosynthesis (Mashiach as a plant) has to do with the complexion of one's skin, beginning in the face, one's cheeks.
Human photosynthesis (Mashiach as a plant) has to do with the complexion of one's skin, beginning in the face, one's cheeks.
La fotosíntesis humana
La fotosíntesis humana tiene lugar en las mejillas sonrojadas, la luz-vida de nuestro rosto, no en los ojos azulados, que ven de la luz.
Human photosynthesis takes place in the reddish cheeks, the light-life of one's countenance, not in the bluish eyes, the seers of light.
Human photosynthesis takes place in the reddish cheeks, the light-life of one's countenance, not in the bluish eyes, the seers of light.
“mejillas”: “por la vida”
En hebreo, “mejillas” se leen como “por la vida” (¡Lejaim!) las mejillas irradian luz dadora de vida, como en Proverbios: “la vida es la luz de una cara majestuosa”.
In Hebrew, "cheeks" reads "for life" (lechaim)! Cheeks radiate life-giving light, as in Proverbs: "Life is the light of a majestic face."
In Hebrew, "cheeks" reads "for life" (lechaim)! Cheeks radiate life-giving light, as in Proverbs: "Life is the light of a majestic face."
Respecto a la novia
Respecto a la novia, del azul al rojo es como los ojos, receptores de luz, a las mejillas, que en el lenguaje bíblico resplandecen con la luz de la vida.
As with regard to a bride, blue to red is as eyes, light receptors, to cheeks, which in the idiom of the Torah glow with the light of life.
As with regard to a bride, blue to red is as eyes, light receptors, to cheeks, which in the idiom of the Torah glow with the light of life.
Una novia naturalmente bella
Los sabios dicen que una novia naturalmente bella no necesita maquillaje, ni azul para sus ojos ni rojo para sus mejillas.
The sages say that a naturally beautiful bride needs no makeup, no blue for her eyes and no red for her cheeks.
The sages say that a naturally beautiful bride needs no makeup, no blue for her eyes and no red for her cheeks.
La Carroza Divina
Tiburón (530), oso (6), ballena (496), vaca (285) = 1317 = león (216), toro (506), águila (550), hombre (45), ¡la Carroza Divina!
Shark (530), bear (6), whale (496), heifer (285) = 1317 = lion (216), ox (506), eagle (550), man (45), the Divine Chariot!
Shark (530), bear (6), whale (496), heifer (285) = 1317 = lion (216), ox (506), eagle (550), man (45), the Divine Chariot!
Tiburones azules y pandas rojos
Hay tiburones azules y pandas rojos, nuevamente azul en el agua y rojo en la tierra. El tiburón ballena es el pez más grande (no mamífero) en la tierra.
There are blue sharks and red panda bears, again blue in water and red on land. The whale shark is the largest fish (not mammal) on earth.
There are blue sharks and red panda bears, again blue in water and red on land. The whale shark is the largest fish (not mammal) on earth.
Así es el azul para el rojo
La ballena azul, un mamífero, vive en el mar, el mundo oculto. La vaca roja vive en la tierra, el mundo revelado. Así es el azul para el rojo.
The blue whale, a mammal, lives in the sea, the concealed world. The red heifer lives on land, the revealed world. So is blue to red.
The blue whale, a mammal, lives in the sea, the concealed world. The red heifer lives on land, the revealed world. So is blue to red.
La ballena azul
El animal más grande sabemos existe es la ballena azul. Respecto al rojo está la vaca roja, un símbolo de vida.
The biggest animal ever known to have existed is the blue whale. For red consider the red heifer, a symbol of life.
The biggest animal ever known to have existed is the blue whale. For red consider the red heifer, a symbol of life.
Osos,tiburones y Mashíaj
¡El valor promedio de osos (56) y tiburones (660) es Mashíaj (358)!
The average value of bears (56) and sharks (660) is Mashiach (358)!
The average value of bears (56) and sharks (660) is Mashiach (358)!
De osos y tiburones
De todos los animales terrestres los osos tienen el mejor sentido del olfato (7 veces mejor que los sabuesos). De todos los animales acuáticos, los tiburones son los mejores olfateadores.
Of all land animals bears have the best sense of smell (7 times better than bloodhounds). Of all sea animals sharks are the best smellers.
Of all land animals bears have the best sense of smell (7 times better than bloodhounds). Of all sea animals sharks are the best smellers.
Sentido del olfato
¡Oir (entendimiento) lo que ves (sabiduría) depende en tu sentido del olfato (la corona supra-consciente)! El Mashíaj se destaca por su sentido del olfato.
Hearing (understanding) what you see (wisdom) depends on your sense of smell (super-conscious crown)! Mashiach excels in his sense of smell.
Hearing (understanding) what you see (wisdom) depends on your sense of smell (super-conscious crown)! Mashiach excels in his sense of smell.
La clorofila no captura el verde, lo refleja. Ese es el motivo por el cual las plantas son verdes. El Mashíaj es llamado “planta”. Él es la fotosíntesis humana.
Chlorophyll does not capture green, it reflects it. That's why plants are green. The Mashiach is called a plant. He is human photosynthesis.
Chlorophyll does not capture green, it reflects it. That's why plants are green. The Mashiach is called a plant. He is human photosynthesis.
Una habitación roja
El azul es al rojo como lo templado es a lo cálido. Una habitación roja es físicamente más cálida que una habitación azul, aunque el azul tenga más energía.
Blue to red is as cool to warm. A red colored room is physically warmer than a blue colored room, even though blue has more energy.
Blue to red is as cool to warm. A red colored room is physically warmer than a blue colored room, even though blue has more energy.
La silla roja del Rebe
El azul es para el rojo como estar de pie es a sentarse. El Rebe tenía una silla roja
Blue to red is as standing to sitting. The Rebbe had a red chair.
Blue to red is as standing to sitting. The Rebbe had a red chair.
La luz azul “flota”
La luz azul “flota” por encima y alrededor, la luz roja penetra. El azul es al rojo como la trascendencia es a la inmanencia.
Blue light hovers above and around, red light enters in. Blue to red is as transcendence to immanence.
Blue light hovers above and around, red light enters in. Blue to red is as transcendence to immanence.
En la fotosíntesis
En la fotosíntesis la clorofila tiene que escuchar que la luz se está absorbiendo. En Cabalá, absorber es escuchar. No puedes absorber sólo mirando
In photosynthesis the chlorophyll has to hear the light it's absorbing. In Kabbalah, to absorb is to hear. You can't absorb by seeing alone.
In photosynthesis the chlorophyll has to hear the light it's absorbing. In Kabbalah, to absorb is to hear. You can't absorb by seeing alone.
El azul es al rojo
El azul es al rojo lo que la vista al oído. En el lado rojo de la longitud de onda larga del espectro de radiación electromagnética están las ondas de radio.
Blue to red is as seeing to hearing. On the red long wave length side of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum come radio waves.
Blue to red is as seeing to hearing. On the red long wave length side of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum come radio waves.
Un día
En el primer día de la creación, “un día” relaciona al tiempo con la luz. En el tercer día, “un lugar,” relaciona al espacio con el agua, la fuente de la vida
On the first day of creation, "one day," relates time to light. On the third day, "one place," relates space to water, the source of life.
On the first day of creation, "one day," relates time to light. On the third day, "one place," relates space to water, the source of life.
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